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Ustadh Hamza Habib
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Ilford, United Kingdom
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Islamic studies MA
About Me
I grew up in Kenya, where I began my Islamic Studies also secular education, I came to the UK at the age of 14 and started teaching Quran and other Islamic studies. I have graduated with BSc in Civil Engineering then I did postgraduate studies on Structural design. After that I have travelled to Jordan to further my Arabic and Islamic studies, from there I have obtained an Ijazah of Quran in the narration of Hafs from `asim. I have then travelled to Egypt whilst studying at Ebrahim College to further my studies in Quran, and I have obtained ijazah for all the 10 Qira'aat (modes of recitation) I have graduated from Ibrahim College, and I am currently doing my Masters in Islamic Studies at SOAS University. I currently teach Quran, Arabic, and other Islamic Studies at my online institute Al-Istiqamah. I teach one-to-one and also groups. I also have a Nikaah Organisation called Al-mawaddah nikah services, where I perform nikahs.
Focus Area
  • Al-Quran & Islamic Studies
  • Nikah Services
  • Friday Khutba
Fields Served
Marriage & Family Services
Birth & Death
Counselling & Support
Visiting Mosques
Visiting Prisons
Classes, Training & Services
Al-Qur'an Studies - Memorization, Tajweed & others
Arabic Language
Friday Khutba
Islamic Studies & Halaqas
Seerah & Storytelling
Ustadh Hamza Habib - $35 for a Quraan session typically lasting for 45- 60 min
Ustadh Hamza Habib - Arabic Language Lessons
Ustadh Hamza Habib - Single Session
Ustadh Hamza Habib - Nikah Services
Ustadh Hamza Habib - 10 Quranic Lessons
Ustadh Hamza Habib - Fiqh Lessons
Ustadh Hamza Habib - Friday Khutba/Sermon
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