The Power of CommunityThe convenience of a click At ImamConnect, we help you identify and connect with a broad range of trustworthy, reliable, faith based service providers, exactly where and when you need them. Think of us as your neighbourhood network gone global. Asking friends and family for recommendations is usually our first instinct when looking for an Imam, Quran teacher, advice on how to write an Islamic will or how to find a Muslim counsellor or mentor – but often, our options are limited to who we know and can be difficult to assess and organise.
ImamConnect Is a Way to ExpandIn order to find qualified and skilled providers beyond the limits of your own acquaintances. With a growing database of service providers on what is the worldʼs first marketplace for religious services, we continue to do online what weʼve all done in person, but in an easier and more effective way
Top Notch QualityWe donʼt just list providers and give you contact details, we ask each provider to follow a comprehensive application process, which we then assess for quality, reliability and suitability. Every single provider on ImamConnect is DBS/Criminal Background checked for safety and peace of mind. We ensure clear lines of communication, secure transactions and transparent reviews. Backed by our dedicated customer service team, both providers and seekers are valued members of the ImamConnect community and meeting the needs of both is our passion
The Power of CommunityThe convenience of a click At ImamConnect, we help you identify and connect with a broad range of trustworthy, reliable, faith based service providers, exactly where and when you need them. Think of us as your neighbourhood network gone global. Asking friends and family for recommendations is usually our first instinct when looking for an Imam, Quran teacher, advice on how to write an Islamic will or how to find a Muslim counsellor or mentor – but often, our options are limited to who we know and can be difficult to assess and organise.
Our Outstanding Teams
Muddasar AhmedFounder & CEO
Nezar MahmoudProject Management
Zain al-HaddadFounding Team Member
Mariam HarutyunyanHead of Marketing
Annie KhanHead of Partnerships and Client Relations
Khadijha TariqTeam Member
Syed AzminAdvisory Board
Rahma JavedAdvisory Board
Hussein KanjiAdvisory Board
Dalia MogahedAdvisory Board
Usman AhmedAdvisory Board
Alia KemetAdvisory Board
Chris Abdul-Rahman BlauveltAdvisory Board
Kameelah Mu’Min RashadAdvisory Board
Lifetime Muslim Service on One PlatformBe one of our service providers, and worth your value.