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Sobia Mehmood
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Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
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Certificate Rapid Transformation Therapy
About Me
I am an immigrant,who had difficulty in finding and recognising her true identity as a Muslim and I suffered from Depression, Anxiety, chronic stress for 10 years . I became free from all my past traumas and mental + emotional health issues 4 years back. I found my true self after working on my self with this award winning RTT therapy. When I was able to connect with myself, I found out that I can connect with Allah more easily. I started practicing Islam after 10 years of disconnection. I started wearing hijab after 12 years . After removing all the self limiting beliefs I came to know who the real Sobia is? Now after completing my certification I am really passionate about healing Muslims who suffered from bad childhood experiences( childhood trauma) ,Muslims who have difficulty in finding the connections within, Muslims who are suffering from depression or chronic stress, sleep issues or Muslims who couldn't find their voice . I help Muslims to release their past guilt, shame or blame and break through the patterns of behaviour which are no longer serving them.
Focus Area
  • Self esteem
  • Depression
  • Chronic stress
  • Past childhood trauma
Fields Served
Marriage & Family Services
Marriage Counselling
Counselling & Support
Support: Addiction & Mental Health
Classes, Training & Services
Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring
Sobia Mehmood-$120 for a session typically lasting 45-60 mins
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