About Me
My journey started in 2017 when I was diagnosed with chronic acid reflux and silent reflux. I had multiple gastroscopies and Alhamdulillah it was all clear, but my symptoms wouldn’t seem to go away. I was on high doses of Nexium but that just made my symptoms worse.
My anxiety levels had spiked so I began Talk therapy with a psychologist which did help but the symptoms persisted. In 2021 I discovered Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) purely body based and somatic therapy.
It helped release all the stress and tension in my body and I began seeing improvements in symptoms and my anxiety levels. Alhamdulilah! I am medication free and symptom free for 3 years now.
Services I Offer
I provide TRE (trauma release exercises) session online, I also offer life coaching sessions with my main focus being on health and wellbeing.