About Me
I am a mother of five beautiful children alhamdulillah. Raising my first three children following the norms made it hard for me to have a safe relationship with them. I really struggled to connect with them till I had my last born, when I decided to step down and learn child psychology. It really helped up my relationship with them and I understood how's and what's of parenting. I then taught the same in the college I studied from as a professor to gain more experience in the field while applying the same to my children. I can safely say I am not the best parent but atleast I am better than what I was!
I am ready to help more mothers out there to help them understand their children and find ways to improve their relationships.I would love to help new mums and expecting ones beforehand so they do not have to look for therapy later in in life.
Most of us as parents offer upbringing of our children by instincts. We must realise that all children have basic universal traits. We must understand them and guide them to the right way in order to bring up children who are not only physically and intellectually fit but mentally fit too. I am here to offer you step by step guidance towards understanding your child or children as a parent, a guardian or as a teacher. After all teachers are parents too.
Understanding Child Psychology
Learning Psychic, Moral and Physical Development of a Child
Offering methods to help child gain independence.