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Reham Bakr
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Cairo, Egypt
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Key Areas
Marriage & Family Services
Divorce Counselling
Family Mediation
Marriage Counselling
Pre-Marital Advice
Classes, Training & Services
Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring
About Me
I am a certified relationship & professional life coach from ICF. I have a passion towards helping unhappy married people to recover their marriage by helping them to know themselves better, heal from childhood traumas, reconnect with each other and begin to live a balanced life and helping others to achieve their goals & heal their lives from past traumas, DEALING WITH ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION. Throughout my journey, I was able to practice & study different techniques and tools between PEAT, EFT & Enneagram, CBT that provide me with a unique way of handling relationships, life coaching and trauma healing. I also acquired certifications in training (offline and online) and gamification. I have done over 1000 hrs one-to-one coaching session & have offered over 500 hrs of training sessions in personal development & life skills field. Regarding my experience which is more than 5 years in coaching fields and regarding to my acknowledges and techniques i have learned throughout my journey, I can offer a session that full of techniques and compassion that will accelerate dealing with problems that you face in your marriage or your relationship with yourself or others.
Reham Bakr-$70 for a session typically lasting 45 to 60 minutes.
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