About Me
Parvez Khan
Parvez Khan is a Business & Personal Coach with over a decade of experience empowering and fostering change in individuals and nonprofit organizations.
As a Business Coach, he seeks to re-position a non-profit leadership to view and operate their organization as a 21st century nonprofit.
As a Personal Coach, he facilitates the removal of barriers to empower individuals to achieve their greatest goals.
Parvez brings experience with organizations worldwide in the nonprofit, faith-based, for-profit, Information Technology, healthcare, and civil rights industries. He also brings a deep understanding of organizational challenges facing American Muslims (and the general community) in this day.
He holds a MS in Organization Development degree from The American University in Washington, DC, and a BS in Information Technology degree. He is a Licensed Human Element Practitioner (LHEP), a holistic approach to the human issues in organizations.
Parvez is happily married and father of two young daughters.