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Nuh Saunders
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Philadelphia, PA, United States
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Ijaza to teach from scholars of Yemen including Habib Umar bin Hafidh and Habib Kadhim al-Saggaf
About Me
I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Being the grandson of converts to Islam who instilled in me the love for the religion. As an aspiring Student of Knowledge, I began my studies in Arabic and Quranic studies at the Quba Institute in Philadelphia. I then began an in-depth study of Aqidah and Dawah with Shaykh Abdur Rahman Sondalani privately. During this time, I was privileged to study Shafi Fiqh with Imam Muhammad Amin of Atlantic City, New Jersey. At the advice of Imam Amin and many others, I set out to the Islamic world to further my pursuit of knowledge. At first, this led me to Egypt where I had the opportunity to study Arabic grammar and Tajweed with scholars of Al Azhar University. After that, I moved to Tarim, Yemen to enrol in the world-famous Dar Al Mustafa Islamic Seminary. I have studied the various Islamic sciences including fiqh, hadith, seerah, and tassawuf. My main area of study is Quranic recitation. I was given the opportunity to study privately with such great Quran reciters such as Sayyid Ali Ba Alawi of Tarim Hadramawt and Shaykh Bashar al Riz, who is one of the great reciters of Damascus and a direct student of Abul Hassan al Kurdi. I have memorized the main text in the science of Tajweed and received ijaza. I have been in Tarim for the past six years where I am studying full time with the intention of specializing in Dawah, and Quranic recitation, along with the variant modes of recitation under the tutelage of great scholars such as Habib Umar Bin Hafidh and many others.
Focus Area
  • Quranic recitation
  • Tafsir
  • Shafi' Fiqh
  • Hadith
  • Tassawuf
Fields Served
Counselling & Support
New Muslims & Shahadah
Classes, Training & Services
Al-Qur'an Studies - Memorization, Tajweed & others
Arabic Language
Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring
Friday Khutba
Islamic Studies & Halaqas
Research & Translation
Seerah & Storytelling
Nuh Saunders-$45 for a session typically lasting 45-60 mins
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