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Mariam Ashraff
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Karu, Nasarawa, Nigeria
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MA Islamic Studies
BA Islamic Studies
Certified Children and Teaanager Coach from Chartered Institute of Mentoring and Coaching Nigerai (CIMCN)
About Me
My name is Mariam Ashraff. A mother of four and a graduate of Islamic Studies from the University of Ilorin for my first degree and also my Masters degree. I am a Nigeiran. I am Ebira by tribe and I speak very fluent English. I teach Islamic Studies and also mentor Muslim teenagers. Services: Muslim teen mentorship Storytelling using the lives of the Prophet and his companions I write Muslim story books for kids with very beautiful AI images I teach Islamic studies I am a conscious Muslim who understands the importance of enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong. I am also a mother who knows how impressionable children can be so I strive to give any child under my tutelage the best. I use stories of the prophet Muhammad S.A.W, lives of the companions and very notable people in Islam to teach because they represent the Muslim heritage and when kids are connected to their roots, they find a lot of meaning in their loves. I am also able to use very simple language to communicate making the listener able to connect and understand. I am also equipped with the right Islamic knowledge and with a strong command of the English language.
Focus Area
  • Islamic studies
  • Story telling (The Seerah)
Fields Served
Counselling & Support
Counselling: General & Pastoral
New Muslims & Shahadah
Classes, Training & Services
Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring
Islamic Studies & Halaqas
Seerah & Storytelling
Mariam Ashraff- $50 for a session typically lasting 45- 60 mins
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