About Me
Mufti/Imam Anas Shaikh
Assalamu Alaikum. Thank you for visiting my profile. I am a Mufti & Aalim and a trained scholar in Islam. I offer Islamic counseling and guidance, and classes/lectures on different texts and subjects. I am available to teach/speak to your group both in-person and online. Please see my profile and contact me if you would like to learn more or avail a service.
Born and raised in Upstate New York, I am currently serving at the Islamic Organization of the Southern Tier as the Imam and Director of Religious Affairs. I am a regular speaker on community development, Islam, and interfaith dialogue. I am also the Muslim Chaplain at Binghamton University where I mentor and guide Muslim students through the different challenges of life.
I have studied the different sciences in Islam such as Arabic, Aqidah (Islamic Beliefs), Tafseer (Quranic Studies), Fiqh (Islamic Law), Hadith, Usool (Principles and Maxims of Islam), and Shariah, culminating in a Shahadatul Aalimiyyah, or Bachelor's degree in Islamic Theology. I then went to Pakistan to obtain a Takhassus Fil Fiqh or Masters Degree in Islamic Law & Finance from the great jurist and scholar, Shaykh Mohammad Taqi Uthmani.
I have also spoken at various masjids, MSAs, Islamic conferences, and interfaith gatherings throughout the country, and volunteer in many projects such as YM and MIST.
Lastly, I have also been a mentor and teacher to numerous Imams across the United States. I am the founder and current president of the Imams Association of America, an organization that aims to empower Imams across the US. My other initiative is KhutbahNotes.com, which is a free open-source compilation effort to collect khutbahs for those who are not able to prepare their weekly sermons effectively. I also offer consulta...