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Hannah Farooque
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London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
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Key Areas
Marriage & Family Services
Marriage Counselling
Classes, Training & Services
Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring
About Me
Assalam o alaiykum My name is Hannah. I live in London with my family. I am a Certified Life Coach from the Adwam School of Life Coach Training & Certification and a Trauma Informed Coach as well as a Relationship Coach. I have been involved with my local Muslim community for more than 15 years organising weekly classes for sisters, events, retreats.. During those years, I have supported many Muslim women going through difficulties in their marriage and I became a Relationship Coach to specialise in this field and reach out to more sisters. I created a marriage course that has helped many sisters reconnect with themselves, transform their marriage and create a more balanced life. Contact we if you want to create this transformation in yourself and your marriage! THINGS can change, with the will of Allah! You just need to have the right mindset and learn the right tools ! Services I Offer: 1 on 1 coaching sessions.
Hannah Farooque-$70 for a session typically ending 45 to 60 minutes
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Is there a proper dialogue / conversation or a call or is this a service that provides support purely through the ImamConnect chat platform?Toggle Answer
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