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Farah Halabi
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Essex, United Kingdom
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BA French & Business Studies
MA Human Resource Management
Certified SPARK Facilitator
Certified My Mental Health Rocks Facilitator
About Me
Farah Halabi Salam, my name's Farah Halabi and I am a Transformational Life coach serving professional Muslim women. I help stressed out, overwhelmed and overstretched Muslim women uncover who they really are to lead them to live better lives. I help women just like you uncover your innate awesomeness and God given gifts to lead a life of insightful wisdom and peace. Do you struggle with balancing your everyday duties and your spiritual ones? Do you feel that you can’t do both? Do you spend most of your time stressing out with those around you and feeling guilty that you’re not being a good mum, wife, worker or Muslimah? You’ve read every parenting, marriage, relationship manual ever written. Googled how to be happy countless times Watched numerous podcasts, videos, webinars about techniques and strategies to cope with life You’ve prayed and made dua to the almighty for help and answers to why this life is just so hard!!! So why does it seem that every other woman you know just ‘gets’ it? I was where you are I used to wonder why I wasn’t happy when I had an amazing husband, 4 beautiful, healthy children, a comfortable home and family around. I felt guilty for being so ungrateful for these blessings and my guilt turned to frustration with everyone around me. I blamed them for my internal suffering If my children behaved better, I’d be a better mum If my husband did more, I’d be a better wife. If my family supported me more, I’d be a better daughter. If Allah made it easier for me, I’d be a better Muslim. If I worked harder, I'd be better at my job. In all of my frustration, I didn’t know what I was looking for or where to find it but I knew I just wanted it all to STOP Imagine finding the solution to your suffering Imagine how your life would be if all your rel...
Focus Area
    Mental health
Fields Served
Marriage & Family Services
Divorce Counselling
Marriage Counselling
Pre-Marital Advice
Birth & Death
Birth: Doula & Mother's Help
Support: Grief Counselling
Counselling & Support
Counselling: General & Pastoral
Interfaith Engagement
Support: Addiction & Mental Health
Classes, Training & Services
Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring
Farah Halabi - Single Session
Farah Halabi - Confidence Coaching
Farah Halabi - Virtual Seminar
Farah Halabi - Family Mediation
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