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Dr. Mohamad Adam
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Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland, Germany
In services from
Vetting level
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Medical doctor (University Mainz)
Specialist for family Medicine (Hessen
, Osteopathy (International Academy of Osteopathy
Unani Medicine (Aligarh Muslim University
Hamdard University Karachi, IbnSina College)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (DÄGfA, Tangshan/China, Taipei/Taiwan)
Apitherapy (Deutscher Apitherapy Bund Germany
Ayurveda (Baden-Baden Germany)
About Me
To find the root cause of a disease is the central point and the first step to a sustainable health condition. "Hakim" is the traditional arabic term for "doctors" and explains the wise way of analyzing the medical history of the patient. Based on that an individual treatment plan is conducted to let out the cause of the disease and to improve the self-healing process in the body. Depending on once experience the "root cause" will be determined on a different view. The combination of several medical views (Unani Medicine, TCM, Modern Medicine, Osteopathy, Ayurveda...) can help to find the more reliable cause (or causes). This is a good foundation to establish a fitting therapy plan especially for chronic diseases. Mohamad Adam is a Medical Doctor in Frankfurt Germany and tries his best to help patients to understand their current condition and to improve their healthy living. The first Assessment is already valuable to understand the influences and connections in your body. Depending on the case it can take one to two hours. If you want a full programme he is also offering a package with setting the programme, supervision and adjusting the follow up goals. It can be personally in Frankfurt (Germany) or to some extent online. Shifa is coming from ALLAH - doctors make Dua to be a tool on this way. May Allah give us guidance and health. The Islamic lifestyle is a healthy one, but you have to understand how to implement it to your daily life. Everyone is an individual and has to adjust his lifestyle to his particular condition. Mohamad Adam is mainly following the traditional way of our ancestors like Ibn Sina and Ibn Nafis but try to adjust the principles to our modern world.
Focus Area
  • Medical doctor (13 years)
  • Unani Medicine (8 years)
  • Osteopathy (8 years)
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (16 years)
  • Apitherapy (7 years)
  • Ayurveda (3 years)
  • Tibb Annabawy (20 years)
Fields Served
Marriage & Family Services
Family Mediation
Family: Child Minding
Counselling & Support
Support: Addiction & Mental Health
Classes, Training & Services
Dietary, Fitness, Health & Nutrition
Dr. Mohamad Adam - 4 Sessions Package
Dr. Mohamad Adam - Single Session
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