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Dalia Tantawi
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Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
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Clinical Pharmacy Cairo University
American Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Worldwide Certified Health Coach from IIN
About Me
If you’re trying to change your eating habits, taking care of your body, mind and soul or just trying to live a healthy lifestyle without restrictions, you’re in the right place! Let’s work together to build a balanced program that will stay with you for a lifetime! My name is Dr Dalia Tantawi, Clinical Pharmacist, American Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist and worldwide certified health coach from IIN, USA. Nutrition is not only my career, it’s my passion and my purpose is to help others reach their target weight, lose or gain weight, stay active, build healthy habits and love themselves. I’ve worked both online and offline with different clients and my aim is to provide a customized and tailored program for clients according to their medical concerns, daily routine and preferences. I don’t believe in Fad diets or very low caloric deficit diets as our main goal is to reach a healthy weight without being exhausted or tired.
Focus Area
  • Nutrition consultations
  • Weight Loss programs
  • Clinical Cases Dietary approaches
  • Health Coaching tasks and tips
  • Emotional Eating Coaching
  • Stress Management Coaching
  • Meal prepping guides, recipes and meal plans
Fields Served
Classes, Training & Services
Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring
Dietary, Fitness, Health & Nutrition
Dalia Tantawi- $250 One Month Plan-4 tailored diet plans -4 zoom meetings along with daily followup on WhatsApp- Recipes, Workout and Health Coaching tips
Dalia Tantawi- $450 Two Months Plan- 8 zoom sessions, 8 weekly customised meal plans, Daily WhatsApp followup, Weekly Workout videos, Weekly Health coaching tasks and tips
Frequently Asked Questions
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