About Me
Dr. Benlazhar, a holistic therapist for five years, I practice in my medical office and I recently opened a holistic medicine centre in Marriott Constantine called ANSANA CENTER, where the human being is at the centre of the therapy.
I am trained at the CAM International Academy, and I have the American board Certificate in reflexotherapy. I am an international holistic therapist and coach certified in SuJok, Thought Field Therapy, NAET for allergies. Voice Technology is applied to medicine and health to deal with psychological traumas: depression, pathological bereavement... Etc via a telephone call.
Why should people book my services? The Voice Technology:
Because this revolutionary technique allows you to get rid of old traumas in just a few minutes and reprogram your brain by clearing the subconscious in one session for a particular trauma. It's effective and irreversible, and the therapy is fast and without any side effects.
SuJok for chronic pain
TFT thought Field Therapy to release negative emotions
NAET to eliminate allergies in two sessions
Therapeutic mindfulness meditation
Voice Technology for remote traumas
Bioresonance therapy to prevent and cure disease via frequencies