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Aqsa Aman
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About Us
I am Aqsa Aman, an Early Years Practitioner. I have expertise and experience in the early years and child education. My Masters in Education from a Renowned University in London have equipped me with the contemporary knowledge in this field. My passion involves working with early years and learned a lot during my time in one of the primary schools in London which taught me a lot and added to my experience. Additionally, I have been trained by the DfE (Department for Education, United Kingdom) in Child Development. I am certified in areas such as 'Understanding Child Development and the EYFS', Brain Development and how Children learn, Supporting Children's personal, social and emotional development, Supporting Language Development in the early years, Supporting Physical development in the Early Years and Mathematics. My knowledge and experience in the field of early years enable me in assisting parents in their home-schooling journey along with designing and implementing a curriculum that best suits the needs of an individual child. I enjoy working in areas which include child development. Working on a curriculum that is all inclusive and supports children's personal, social and emotional development along with language development.
Aqsa Aman- $65 for a session typically lasting for 45- 60 mins
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