About Me
Afrida Arif is a Certified Lactation Counsellor and a Postpartum Doula with specialization in Maternal and Child nutrition. She is a dedicated mother and takes great pleasure in assisting expecting parents as they get ready for their new phase, so they can experience the wonderful start of parenthood. She educates expectant couples on breastfeeding journey and how to prepare for the postpartum period, which many people fail to recognize the realities that could be handled appropriately if they had prior knowledge. And as a Lactation counsellor, She assists women in attaining their breastfeeding goals by making them understand the concept of breastfeeding and how they can tackle the challenges that may hinder them. According to Afrida, the joy she experiences every time she assists a parent is immeasurable.
Prenatal breastfeeding
Home visits for breastfeeding counselling and Postpartum care.